Fresh Filters Plus Provides Homeowners and Business Owners with a Breath of Fresh Air
Canton, GA, March 24, 2015 (Newswire.com) - Fresh Filters Plus, LLC ("Fresh Filters Plus"), the emerging leader in residential and commercial heating and air filter replenishment, has just launched an easy to use and convenient subscription based model that is providing both business and homeowners with a breath of fresh air.
Whether it’s consumer advisor Clark Howard who says, “Make sure you replace your filters regularly to avoid increased costs due to restricted airflow,” or Dr. Oz, who states, “Change the filters in your heating and air conditioning systems and units 4 times per year,” the value and benefit of replacing your filters on a regular basis simply cannot be understated.
"Make sure you replace your filters regularly to avoid increased costs due to restricted airflow."
Clark Howard, Consumer Advocate
Regularly changing home air filters will help extend the life of heating and cooling systems, reduce energy costs, and maintain good indoor air quality. While indoors, with windows and doors closed, the HVAC system can circulate dirty air that contains allergens and bacteria. These very reasons are why changing your home’s air filters on the correct intervals can be one of the lowest costs of preventative care that a homeowner can take advantage of. Most people know the importance of changing their home air filters, but quite simply not everyone remembers to do so on a set schedule. Additionally, with so many sizes to choose from at the store, it can be an overwhelming experience to try to remember what size filters fit your HVAC or furnace unit.
“Quite simply, changing your home's air filters is something that is nearly always pushed to the bottom of every man’s “Honey-Do-List." It required a trip to the local home improvement store with the added bonus of not always remembering the correct filter sizes while you are there. We have refined this process so it can be done from the comfort of your home by simply logging onto our website and placing an order with just 3 easy clicks,” said Adam Camp, co-founder of Fresh Filters Plus. “Our goal was to make this a hassle-free platform, so people wouldn't have to think about buying home air filters any more. I'm proud to say that this is exactly what our customers tell us that we’ve accomplished."
With their easy-to-use online ordering system, customers can select the number of air filters they need (quantity), the appropriate filtration rating (quality), and their preferred shipping schedule. This platform eliminates trips to home improvement stores and trying to remember the various sizes and changing schedules. For households with people who suffer from allergies, Fresh Filters Plus makes it easy help manage the root causes of many allergy flare-ups – changing dirty air filters on a regular schedule. For homes or businesses interested in lowering their energy bills and saving on costly repairs to their HVAC or Furnace system, this service will pay for itself annually in energy savings and maintenance costs.
About Fresh Filters Plus:
Fresh Filters Plus is changing the way America buys its home and business air filters through its innovative online e-commerce retail store that offers consumers and businesses the ability to order a variety of high-quality, American made air filters on a subscription basis. The Fresh Filters Plus warehouse, based out of Canton, Georgia stocks hundreds of sizes, as well as specializing in the majority of custom sizes. Fresh Filters Plus makes purchasing air filters easy by following three simple steps: “Choose your Size, Choose your Quality, and Set your Delivery Schedule.” Air filters are shipped to the specified address at the preferred intervals. With this approach, Fresh Filters Plus is providing both homeowners and business owners with a welcome breath of fresh air when it comes to changing their air filters. For more information, please visit www.freshfiltersplus.com or follow Fresh Filters Plus on Facebook.
Contact Information
Fresh Filters Plus
Adam Camp
888-223-9994 ext. 3